Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disorder of the skin characterized by itchy, sensitive, dry skin and eczematous patches with remissions and relapses.
It has 3 stages-
Infantile – reddish rashes on the cheeks, trunk and legs. Baby may be irritable due to intense itching sensation.
Childhood- Itching and eczematous patches become localized to inner aspects of elbows and knees
Adult – Generalized itching, dry and sensitive skin
Here are a few Do’ s and Don’t’ s to be followed if one has atopic dermatitis.
1. Apply a moisturizer regularly 2-3 times a day
2. Follow the 3-minute rule – apply the moisturizer within 3 minutes after bath/ shower.
3. Use minimal amount of a soap free cleanser for bathing.
4. Have a bath using lukewarm water. Avoid hot water/ steam and sauna as it can strip the oils off your skin.
5. Do not rub/ scrub the skin vigorously.
6. Avoid cosmetics with fragrances. Consult your dermatologist prior to starting new creams/ lotions.
7. Use soft, cotton clothes and select soft cotton blankets. Avoid lace/ wool.
8. Soy, nuts, cow’s milk and eggs are common foods known to trigger relapses. Keep a food diary when introducing solid foods to your baby.
9. Visit your dermatologist at the earliest when you notice flare/ new rashes. Itching and constant rubbing could make the rashes worse.
10 . Avoid excessive exposure to air conditioner. Dry air could worsen the itch.